4 Souls Saved in Danville, IL

 Join us on our Mission to spread the Gospel within the continental United States–because people need to hear about Jesus.

Our Ministry

Gospel Sharing Ministries is a ministry designed to help churches learn to approach people with the Gospel. We are available to help congregations of any size.

Join Us in Our Ministry

We are always looking for more people who have a deep love for souls and are willing to give up a week or two out of their schedule in order to lead others to the Gospel of Christ. Come and go with us and we will train you to be an effective soul winner. Come see what we do and become a part of our Cadre.

A group of Christians experienced in approaching and teaching people give personal training to members of a congregation during an evangelistic campaign. These Christians pay their own expenses to and from the campaign.

Campaign in Temple, Texas, resulted in five who obeyed the Gospel.

A week spent in a campaign in Temple, Texas, resulted in five new Christians. The Gospel Sharing Ministries Cadre was joined by twelve students from Sunset International Bible Institute who were desirous of learning how to share the Gospel with others.

 Community and Charity 

Working together to reach the lost

Community Outreach

Learn about how we reach people and share the good news.

Join us on Social Media

Follow us on Facebook and see what we have been up to. 

Training Seminars

Take a look at when we will be in your area next!

Make a Donation Today

Donations help fund our Ministry and reach the World.

Go into all the world – Matthew 28: 19-20

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