What Christian is there who does not want to be a soul winner? On the other hand, what Christian has been discouraged to do so by a number of perceived difficulties of fear, lack of knowledge, etc? Leading volunteers to become soul winners is a very challenging job. This job, in the paraphrased words of legendary Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry, is “to get a group of people to do something they don’t want to do, that they might achieve something they have wanted all their lives.” It is an opportunity to recruit reluctant, fearful, hesitant people and then watch them become fully alive as they learn how to give their lives to others.
What seems to be overwhelming can be reduced to an enjoyable possibility. With a few simple techniques, basic biblical truths, and respectful communication skills, one will be set to do something they have always wanted to do. Oh, what joy there is to win a soul and cover a multitude of sins. The following steps will help in carrying out the goal of being a soul winner.
Step One: Prayer
The importance of prayer cannot be stressed enough. Prayer calls for God’s assistance in finding the prospect and in enlightening the prospect to the fact that you care. Colossians 4:23. While at the door of the prospect introductions are made and then he is asked if he might have someone who is sick, in the hospital, or in harm’s way who needs prayers. Then pray for these at the door for this reveals to the prospect that you care.
Step Two: Creating the Need for the Gospel
After prayer has been said you say, “God not only cares about the physical needs of man, but also the spiritual needs. May I ask you a question? If the Lord were to come right now, would you know for certain, nothing doubting, that you would go to heaven?” Their answer to this question will give you an idea of where they are spiritually.
Step Three: Where Are They in God’s Salvation Plan for Man?
98% of the time their answer will be "Yes". (In the seminar we will train you how to deal with any other answer.) Let them tell you when they felt they were forgiven, or saved. Allow time for them to talk with you. They will know that you are willing to take time for them and this will again show them that you care. By listening attentively to their story you are earning the right to tell them your story at the proper time.
Step Four: Telling Your Salvation Story
After the prospect has completed their salvation story ask, “May I share my salvation story with you and may I use this little Bible to tell my story?” When they answer “yes,” give them one of the small Checkbook Bibles. Read again the question on the front of the Bible, and then turn to page 362.
Step Five: Telling Your Story by Using the Bible
As you tell your story tell them how it felt to be lost and how good it was to know you are now saved. Read through the Checkbook Bible, beginning at the top of page 362. Read the comments, then go to the underlined text and read the scripture. Go then to the bottom of the page and read the comment or question, and then turn to the next listed page. This procedure will be repeated until you have read all 29 scriptures.
Step Six: At the End of Your Story
The presentation will be closed at Acts 22:16 on page 217. Ask them to read the top of the page, reminding them this is when you gave your life to Jesus and God is now asking them for the same commitment. Stress that God is asking them and that they are answering God. Then ask if they would mind sharing their answer with you.
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